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Commercial  partners

NOTERRA's commercial partners will be sending supplies to Mars before the arrival of the martianauts (astronauts on Mars), so that when they arrive, all the resources of the Mars base are already there, but they will always be in the rocket landing ship. So all the martianauts have to do is unpack everything for the base. Three commercial companies are collaborating with NOTERRA. Fiber unaleX and DECAform Robotics are among them.

Fibre UnaleX

DECAform Robotics

duranel corps

Fiber UnaleX is one of NOTERRA's commercial partners and will be the company that will transport supplies and transportation, Martian rovers like the VIPER-II and Go Kart rovers closer to the landing point of NOTERRA-IV, So that when martianauts land on Mars, they just have to walk a bit to the Go Kart rovers and then they can go to the other rocket landing points, so they can pick up the necessary materials to build the Mars Base.

DECAform Robotics is another commercial partner working with NOTERRA. It will launch the NMS into orbit around Mars. The NMS will be added later when other companies add different sections for more room to test and analyze Martian rocks. DECAform is in charge of contracts for the MOEC (Martian Orbit Exploration Corporation) and will launch several other satellites to study the great Martian canyons. It will also send green energy sources such as solar panels and the aeroponic system.

This company works with NOTERRA on the design of space suits of the NOTERRA generation. It is an international partner. They volunteered to oversee the manufacturing of the four TSM engines (S3X14 three Semicalibre main sequence engines). They also has the difficult task of formulating the oxygen pack for the spacesuit and creating the tissue for the spacesuit.

They were a key contributor to this website.

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